Celestial Navigation in a Nutshell, Hewitt Schlereth
The book I learned celestial from in one of John Kretschmer's workshops, and the book I now teach my own workshops from! The easiest way to learn celestial, bar none, and a great reference to keep onboard the boat.

Longitude, Dava Sobel
The incredible story of of when whole countries fought for the high seas, and finding accurate time - the ingredient needed to get longitude with celestial navigation - was the scientific challenge of the day.

Nautical Almanac, Commercial Edition
The publication I use for celestial navigation. Buy from mdnautical.com, an awesome little commercial shipping store in the port of Baltimore and very worth a visit. Obviously buy the correct year!

Sight Reduction Tables for Air Navigation (HO 249)
You'll need all three volumes, but these are the easiest and fastest way to reduce celestial sights, and what is referenced in the 'Nutshell' book featured on this page. You can download these free from the government here, but they're much easier to use in paperback format.