Windy in Skerries, Part II
At two o’clock, cabin fever got the best of us and we ventured ashore. I had on my running clothing – and old pair of Mia’s brother Erik’s board shorts, tight, white long underwear and my five-finger shoes (their brown leather, and in Kinsale someone joked that I ought to wash my feet). Mia was similarly attired. She had a backpack with her, and I the black Pelican case that we transport our computers in when we’re on the boat. The plan was to sit in the pub for a while, do some work (I had an article to send in), and then go for a long exploratory run before returning to the boat later in the evening.
RE: Congratulations!
Cork is one of my favorite I might have said previously, I
have ever met an unhappy Irishman...although I am sure there are after
reading some of the great (and depressed) Irish writers. The other thing
about Ireland is the incredible shades of green you notice. While in Cork
ya' gotta get a plateful of boxties and an Guinness at a pub in the Temple
Bar area...or even better yet, visit the Guinness brewery...the Guinness
they serve in the Sky Bar is the most delicious thing you can pass through
your lips. I think you could live on it as it is a perfect food.
My best to you and Mia...and Clint...keep your lee rail awash and God's
Uncle John
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Andy Schell
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 5:25 AM
To: John Garis
Cc: Mia Karlsson; Gail Schell; andy; andy.schell125.upload
Subject: Re: Congratulations!
Greetings from Glandore! Thanks for the congrats - Mia and I are
sitting at a small hotel bar now, having our morning coffee - we ran
out of propane two days ago, so have been consisting on tuna and
cereal until we can get it filled in Cork, where we're headed
tomorrow. Thanks for the list of questions - I'm going to do my best
to answer them, and I'm also going to post this email on my blog,
because I think it will be of interest to, here you go! Hope
all is well back home.
Uncle John's Email, from our landfall, 23 August 2011:
Congratulations on making landfall in Ireland..both Dan and I agree
that you both have "balls" to do what you are doing..I wouldn't know
where to start. I've passed your "Spottings" along to the rest of the
family (Dan and Tobie, Tim and Mindy, Kristen and Mark, Mart and Larry
and Kathleen) as I've received them. I wish I could sit down with you
and debrief..among the questions I have for you:
1. Was the crossing what you expected?
Yes and no - we expected much worse weather. Thanks to my dad who was
doing some 'amateur' weather routing from back home (and in touch with
us every third day or so via satellite phone) we managed to avoid
winds over 30 knots, which is almost unthinkable that far north. The
reason for taking the route we did is the westerly winds normally
expected at that latitude. The Gulf Stream, combined with the Azores
High and the Icelandic Low create a 'highway' of sorts for low
pressure systems coming off the Eastern Seaboard. Just south of this
track, you'll normally encounter westerly winds, and fairly steadily.
In 2008, my friend Matt Rutherford (who is currently north of Alaska,
having just completed the NW passage -,
experience SIX full gales (winds over 40 knots), and deployed his
drogue several times. We were more concerned about making the boat
sail fast when the wind picked up, and were instead BECALMED ten
times, having to furl the sails because they were banging around so
badly in the swell. On the other hand, I'd conservatively estimated
we'd be able to average 100 miles per day (which is about a 4 knot
average) and we managed 90 miles per day, not too far off. When the
boat got some wind though, we were able to do 140 miles, which we did
two or three times. This, obviously, would have made for a much
quicker passage.
2. Would you do it again?
If you asked me this during the first seven days I would have said no
way. But now? Absolutely. The first week was extremely frustrating -
we only made 360 miles in 7 days, with three days UNDER 40 miles,
which is horrible progress. And in the wrong direction - SE, due to
the light easterlies we experienced. I was nervous about the boat,
anxious about the trip and generally depressed. And had no patience
for the calms at all, letting the weather get the best of my mood.
Almost as soon as the wind picked up and came from the right direction
- west - everything changed. We got into a nice routine at sea, and
the boat performed wonderfully once we learned her niggles. Mia, Clint
and I got very good at sailing her by the end of the crossing, which
instilled confidence tremendously. And I realized everything I'd done
to refit her for the passage actually worked. We had no breakdowns,
and the worst problem was a tiny tear in the mainsail near the foot,
that we still haven't fixed because it's that minor. Mia and I already
started discussing future cruising plans. Our next big hop will be
back across the Atlantic to the Caribbean, through the Panama Canal
and across the Pacific. We have a strong desire to return to New
Zealand, and next time it will be by boat. As for the northern route
across the pond, I'd love to do it again to see how the weather is
really supposed to be!
3. You seemed to have all the details worked out before you left
and were confident in your planning. Did you learn anything new?
We were very pleased with the work we did to the boat, especially what
Mia had made for the bookshelves down below. She'd sewn up some
lightweight netting material and attached them with bungie cord across
the book shelves, and not a single thing went flying in the cabin,
even in the heaviest of weather (which, admittedly, wasn't very
heavy). I was most concerned about the rigging work I'd done, as
keeping the mast up is the single most important aspect of sailing
(perhaps behind keeping the water out, which is obvious). Each time
the boat heeled hard I'd wonder if I really did put every pin in
correctly. I did. In Lunenburg, we decided to buy turnbuckles for the
shrouds, as the old-school lashings we were using looked cool but were
extremely annoying to tension. I spoke with John Franta from Colligo
Marine (the guy who helped us with the synthetic rigging), and told
him as much. We found galvanized turnbuckles at the hardware store at
$13 a piece (as opposed to nearly $100 for the shiny stainless 'yacht'
turnbuckles). We fitted them in Baddeck, and it was the best change we
made. Once I tuned the rig, we hardly touched it all the way across.
Our watch rotation changed several times along the way. We started out
doing 4-on 8-off, with a split watch around dinner time. Two people
would share a four hour watch, taking turns cooking and washing up.
This also staggered the shifts, so you always had a new time each day
instead of always having the night shift, for example. This worked ok,
but Mia and Clint had a habit of waking my in the night to make sail
changes, and it was hard for me to get any rest. We switched then to
four hour watches for Mia and Clint - Clint had the 2000-0000, and Mia
the 0300-0700. Since I was usually up anyway, I took the 0000-0300
watch, for only three hours. Then I did a long five hour watch in the
daytime, since I was usually up then anyway also. With only three
hours at night, I was more rested if they needed me before or after.
This worked great, and we only changed again once we spotted land, to
three-on-six-off for the last day.
4. Were you in a shipping lane and seeing other vessels during
the crossing?
At the outset, crossing the Grand Banks, we were in fog most of the
time, and wouldn't have seen any if they were there. Our AIS system
worked well, and we heard a foghorn close by in the night one time,
but it soon moved off, to our relief.we never saw the ship it came
from. We did spot a Portugese battleship who steamed out of the fog
quite close (and did not appear on AIS). I hailed him on the radio and
had a friendly chat for a bit, though his English was very broken. We
got pushed far south of what our intended course was, due to the
Icelandic Low not really being in place. All the low pressures were
tracking farther south than usual, so we had to go south to be on
their 'correct' (southern) side for westerlies. For the first half we
didn't see any signs of shipping (but did see loads of life - birds
followed us the whole way across, and it was a rare day that we didn't
see dolphins). By the second half, once we gotten north again, we were
back in the shipping lanes and saw ships regularly. This was actually
a nice feeling, knowing that if the worst happened we'd likely get
passed by sooner rather than later.
5. How did the boat hold up to the rigors of ocean sailing?
The boat performed beyond expectation. She was very fast when there
was wind, and more importantly, felt very solid. I compared it to a
Mason 43 we delivered to the Bahamas a few years ago, one of the
sturdiest boats afloat. Arcturus felt like a mini Mason to us. She did
not go to windward very well when there was any sort of sea running -
we were only able to tack through about 110 degrees, which is abysmal,
but expected. Once the wind freed, however, she flew. We had some
surfing runs with the wind aft and the sails set 'wing-on-wing' with
the jib out on the spin pole, and regularly saw speeds over 12 knots
for short stretches. The best night watch of the trip came around Day
20 - I was outside, the half moon was shining very brightly and there
wasn't a cloud in the sky. The wind was blowing 25-30, dead astern,
and we had the full main up on one side and the small jib out on the
other, with the pole. The wind had been steady from the WSW for two
days, and had built up a very friendly sea, big, but which Arcturus
easily surfed on. We were probably over-canvassed, but I let her go,
as I was having too much fun. Every second or third wave we'd just
zoom off at 10, 11 and 12 knots, the whitewater streaming around the
hull and making a sound like a jet taking off. It was exhilarating
sailing. I went forward in the dark with my harness on, and climbed up
on the spin pole and just hung on for about 20 minutes enjoying it
all. I finally did take two reefs in the main before Mia came up, so I
could sleep better, and we were still doing more than ten knots,
though admittedly more under control.
6. What was the worst part of the trip?
The first week, easily. I managed to learn some patience by the end,
and when a calm came, we just furled the sails and went to bed to wait
for wind. At the beginning, I couldn't stand not being able to move,
and was very frustrated. Combined with the foggy weather and my
feeling of general uneasiness, that first week was miserable.
7. What was the best part of the trip?
Smelling land as we rounded Mizen Head coming into Crookhaven. I'd
forgotten about this. Clint had tears in his eyes. All three of us
were taking short gulps through our noses soaking it up, as we knew
we'd soon get used to it and it wouldn't last. Smells always seems to
evoke the strongest emotions, and the smell of grass, dirt and smoke
from a nearby chimney was absolutely enchanting.
8. What kind of meals were you eating?
We actually ate very well, and didn't run out of fresh food until
almost Day 21 or so. Our normal routine was to cook one hot meal per
day, taking turns cooking and washing up. Mia had made a seven-day
menu, based on the food we ate at Broadreach, when we were in the
Caribbean working with teenagers. Monday was 'Mediterranean Pasta',
Tuesday Chili, Wednesday Hawaiian Stir-fry, Thursday Tuna salad and
roasted veg, Friday Curry, Saturday rice and beans and Sunday pizza!
We baked an enormous amount of bread, thanks in part to the calm
weather. The pizza was a big hit, and we made the dough from scratch.
We had lots of garlic, onions, cabbage and turnips on board, which
lasted the whole way across. We also had farmer eggs from the market
in Reading, that lasted a full six weeks - in six dozen, only two or
three went bad. They had never seen the refrig, which was key. We had
many cans of beans and tomato sauce, cans of pineapple and a basket
full of apples and oranges. We had peanut butter. Oatmeal (though only
for a few days, as we'd stored it in the bilge and all three
containers got wet and moldy - this was the worst part of the trip for
Mia, as she lives on her oatmeal for brekky).
9. What does the cabin below deck smell like after 3-4 weeks at sea?
Surprisingly clean! We'd take bucket showers about once every three
days, and the weather was so nice that we never even got out our long
underwear. Yet it wasn't hot enough to sweat, so we felt pretty clean.
Every few days we'd take turns cleaning the head and sweeping the
floor, and we were very good about cleaning the galley after each meal
and putting things back in their proper place. Our hair was a bit
messy due to the saltwater, but it really didn't smell bad at all!
10. Did you take photographs during the trip and are you going to
post them on FB?
Mia took nearly 1000 photos! Check out her blog at She posts some of them up there, and I'll have
some on my site. We don't put photos on FB, but we'll send you the
good ones. There are loads!
11. When do you sail for Norway? And are you taking the western
route or the eastern route through the Irish Sea?
We're heading up the east coast of Ireland, in the Irish Sea. We're
only 30 miles from Crookhaven at the moment, where we made our
landfall. Our friend Ullis, who was the photographer at the wedding,
is flying down tomorrow to Dublin, and taking the bus down to Cork,
where we're taking the boat tomorrow, about 50 miles further up the
coast. She'll sail with us up the Irish Sea and through the Caledonian
Canal in Scotland. Then it's a dash across the North Sea, about 3-400
miles to Kristiansand in Norway. From there we enter the Baltic and
plan on leaving the boat on the west coast of Sweden for the winter.
Hope that answers your questions! Keep in touch!
+Andy & Mia
Re: Congratulations!
sitting at a small hotel bar now, having our morning coffee - we ran
out of propane two days ago, so have been consisting on tuna and
cereal until we can get it filled in Cork, where we're headed
tomorrow. Thanks for the list of questions - I'm going to do my best
to answer them, and I'm also going to post this email on my blog,
because I think it will be of interest to others…so, here you go! Hope
all is well back home.
Uncle John's Email, from our landfall, 23 August 2011:
Congratulations on making landfall in Ireland….both Dan and I agree
that you both have "balls" to do what you are doing….I wouldn't know
where to start. I've passed your "Spottings" along to the rest of the
family (Dan and Tobie, Tim and Mindy, Kristen and Mark, Mart and Larry
and Kathleen) as I've received them. I wish I could sit down with you
and debrief….among the questions I have for you:
1. Was the crossing what you expected?
Yes and no - we expected much worse weather. Thanks to my dad who was
doing some 'amateur' weather routing from back home (and in touch with
us every third day or so via satellite phone) we managed to avoid
winds over 30 knots, which is almost unthinkable that far north. The
reason for taking the route we did is the westerly winds normally
expected at that latitude. The Gulf Stream, combined with the Azores
High and the Icelandic Low create a 'highway' of sorts for low
pressure systems coming off the Eastern Seaboard. Just south of this
track, you'll normally encounter westerly winds, and fairly steadily.
In 2008, my friend Matt Rutherford (who is currently north of Alaska,
having just completed the NW passage -,
experience SIX full gales (winds over 40 knots), and deployed his
drogue several times. We were more concerned about making the boat
sail fast when the wind picked up, and were instead BECALMED ten
times, having to furl the sails because they were banging around so
badly in the swell. On the other hand, I'd conservatively estimated
we'd be able to average 100 miles per day (which is about a 4 knot
average) and we managed 90 miles per day, not too far off. When the
boat got some wind though, we were able to do 140 miles, which we did
two or three times. This, obviously, would have made for a much
quicker passage.
2. Would you do it again?
If you asked me this during the first seven days I would have said no
way. But now? Absolutely. The first week was extremely frustrating -
we only made 360 miles in 7 days, with three days UNDER 40 miles,
which is horrible progress. And in the wrong direction - SE, due to
the light easterlies we experienced. I was nervous about the boat,
anxious about the trip and generally depressed. And had no patience
for the calms at all, letting the weather get the best of my mood.
Almost as soon as the wind picked up and came from the right direction
- west - everything changed. We got into a nice routine at sea, and
the boat performed wonderfully once we learned her niggles. Mia, Clint
and I got very good at sailing her by the end of the crossing, which
instilled confidence tremendously. And I realized everything I'd done
to refit her for the passage actually worked. We had no breakdowns,
and the worst problem was a tiny tear in the mainsail near the foot,
that we still haven't fixed because it's that minor. Mia and I already
started discussing future cruising plans. Our next big hop will be
back across the Atlantic to the Caribbean, through the Panama Canal
and across the Pacific. We have a strong desire to return to New
Zealand, and next time it will be by boat. As for the northern route
across the pond, I'd love to do it again to see how the weather is
really supposed to be!
3. You seemed to have all the details worked out before you left
and were confident in your planning. Did you learn anything new?
We were very pleased with the work we did to the boat, especially what
Mia had made for the bookshelves down below. She'd sewn up some
lightweight netting material and attached them with bungie cord across
the book shelves, and not a single thing went flying in the cabin,
even in the heaviest of weather (which, admittedly, wasn't very
heavy). I was most concerned about the rigging work I'd done, as
keeping the mast up is the single most important aspect of sailing
(perhaps behind keeping the water out, which is obvious). Each time
the boat heeled hard I'd wonder if I really did put every pin in
correctly. I did. In Lunenburg, we decided to buy turnbuckles for the
shrouds, as the old-school lashings we were using looked cool but were
extremely annoying to tension. I spoke with John Franta from Colligo
Marine (the guy who helped us with the synthetic rigging), and told
him as much. We found galvanized turnbuckles at the hardware store at
$13 a piece (as opposed to nearly $100 for the shiny stainless 'yacht'
turnbuckles). We fitted them in Baddeck, and it was the best change we
made. Once I tuned the rig, we hardly touched it all the way across.
Our watch rotation changed several times along the way. We started out
doing 4-on 8-off, with a split watch around dinner time. Two people
would share a four hour watch, taking turns cooking and washing up.
This also staggered the shifts, so you always had a new time each day
instead of always having the night shift, for example. This worked ok,
but Mia and Clint had a habit of waking my in the night to make sail
changes, and it was hard for me to get any rest. We switched then to
four hour watches for Mia and Clint - Clint had the 2000-0000, and Mia
the 0300-0700. Since I was usually up anyway, I took the 0000-0300
watch, for only three hours. Then I did a long five hour watch in the
daytime, since I was usually up then anyway also. With only three
hours at night, I was more rested if they needed me before or after.
This worked great, and we only changed again once we spotted land, to
three-on-six-off for the last day.
4. Were you in a shipping lane and seeing other vessels during
the crossing?
At the outset, crossing the Grand Banks, we were in fog most of the
time, and wouldn't have seen any if they were there. Our AIS system
worked well, and we heard a foghorn close by in the night one time,
but it soon moved off, to our relief…we never saw the ship it came
from. We did spot a Portugese battleship who steamed out of the fog
quite close (and did not appear on AIS). I hailed him on the radio and
had a friendly chat for a bit, though his English was very broken. We
got pushed far south of what our intended course was, due to the
Icelandic Low not really being in place. All the low pressures were
tracking farther south than usual, so we had to go south to be on
their 'correct' (southern) side for westerlies. For the first half we
didn't see any signs of shipping (but did see loads of life - birds
followed us the whole way across, and it was a rare day that we didn't
see dolphins). By the second half, once we gotten north again, we were
back in the shipping lanes and saw ships regularly. This was actually
a nice feeling, knowing that if the worst happened we'd likely get
passed by sooner rather than later.
5. How did the boat hold up to the rigors of ocean sailing?
The boat performed beyond expectation. She was very fast when there
was wind, and more importantly, felt very solid. I compared it to a
Mason 43 we delivered to the Bahamas a few years ago, one of the
sturdiest boats afloat. Arcturus felt like a mini Mason to us. She did
not go to windward very well when there was any sort of sea running -
we were only able to tack through about 110 degrees, which is abysmal,
but expected. Once the wind freed, however, she flew. We had some
surfing runs with the wind aft and the sails set 'wing-on-wing' with
the jib out on the spin pole, and regularly saw speeds over 12 knots
for short stretches. The best night watch of the trip came around Day
20 - I was outside, the half moon was shining very brightly and there
wasn't a cloud in the sky. The wind was blowing 25-30, dead astern,
and we had the full main up on one side and the small jib out on the
other, with the pole. The wind had been steady from the WSW for two
days, and had built up a very friendly sea, big, but which Arcturus
easily surfed on. We were probably over-canvassed, but I let her go,
as I was having too much fun. Every second or third wave we'd just
zoom off at 10, 11 and 12 knots, the whitewater streaming around the
hull and making a sound like a jet taking off. It was exhilarating
sailing. I went forward in the dark with my harness on, and climbed up
on the spin pole and just hung on for about 20 minutes enjoying it
all. I finally did take two reefs in the main before Mia came up, so I
could sleep better, and we were still doing more than ten knots,
though admittedly more under control.
6. What was the worst part of the trip?
The first week, easily. I managed to learn some patience by the end,
and when a calm came, we just furled the sails and went to bed to wait
for wind. At the beginning, I couldn't stand not being able to move,
and was very frustrated. Combined with the foggy weather and my
feeling of general uneasiness, that first week was miserable.
7. What was the best part of the trip?
Smelling land as we rounded Mizen Head coming into Crookhaven. I'd
forgotten about this. Clint had tears in his eyes. All three of us
were taking short gulps through our noses soaking it up, as we knew
we'd soon get used to it and it wouldn't last. Smells always seems to
evoke the strongest emotions, and the smell of grass, dirt and smoke
from a nearby chimney was absolutely enchanting.
8. What kind of meals were you eating?
We actually ate very well, and didn't run out of fresh food until
almost Day 21 or so. Our normal routine was to cook one hot meal per
day, taking turns cooking and washing up. Mia had made a seven-day
menu, based on the food we ate at Broadreach, when we were in the
Caribbean working with teenagers. Monday was 'Mediterranean Pasta',
Tuesday Chili, Wednesday Hawaiian Stir-fry, Thursday Tuna salad and
roasted veg, Friday Curry, Saturday rice and beans and Sunday pizza!
We baked an enormous amount of bread, thanks in part to the calm
weather. The pizza was a big hit, and we made the dough from scratch.
We had lots of garlic, onions, cabbage and turnips on board, which
lasted the whole way across. We also had farmer eggs from the market
in Reading, that lasted a full six weeks - in six dozen, only two or
three went bad. They had never seen the refrig, which was key. We had
many cans of beans and tomato sauce, cans of pineapple and a basket
full of apples and oranges. We had peanut butter. Oatmeal (though only
for a few days, as we'd stored it in the bilge and all three
containers got wet and moldy - this was the worst part of the trip for
Mia, as she lives on her oatmeal for brekky).
9. What does the cabin below deck smell like after 3-4 weeks at sea?
Surprisingly clean! We'd take bucket showers about once every three
days, and the weather was so nice that we never even got out our long
underwear. Yet it wasn't hot enough to sweat, so we felt pretty clean.
Every few days we'd take turns cleaning the head and sweeping the
floor, and we were very good about cleaning the galley after each meal
and putting things back in their proper place. Our hair was a bit
messy due to the saltwater, but it really didn't smell bad at all!
10. Did you take photographs during the trip and are you going to
post them on FB?
Mia took nearly 1000 photos! Check out her blog at She posts some of them up there, and I'll have
some on my site. We don't put photos on FB, but we'll send you the
good ones. There are loads!
11. When do you sail for Norway? And are you taking the western
route or the eastern route through the Irish Sea?
We're heading up the east coast of Ireland, in the Irish Sea. We're
only 30 miles from Crookhaven at the moment, where we made our
landfall. Our friend Ullis, who was the photographer at the wedding,
is flying down tomorrow to Dublin, and taking the bus down to Cork,
where we're taking the boat tomorrow, about 50 miles further up the
coast. She'll sail with us up the Irish Sea and through the Caledonian
Canal in Scotland. Then it's a dash across the North Sea, about 3-400
miles to Kristiansand in Norway. From there we enter the Baltic and
plan on leaving the boat on the west coast of Sweden for the winter.
Hope that answers your questions! Keep in touch!
+Andy & Mia
O'Sullivan's (Minus Clint)
nursing a Murphy's (the local from this neck of the woods…Guinness is
a Dublin tradition). I'm working on my Powers Irish whiskey (a
double). We're waiting for the music to start, and after a honeymoon
dinner aboard 'Arcturus' decided it appropriate to spend our last
evening in Crookhaven in the same place we've spent most of the days
Not to sound like we've been drinking the whole time either (in fact,
on the contrary, save of course our gluttonous coffee and soda bread
consumption). O'Sullivan's seems to be the central meeting place of
Crookhaven, one of only two pubs that line the narrow street
(singular) along the waterfront, and decidedly the more popular of the
two. They open around 10:30 in the morning, and for the past three
days, we've been knocking at the door with our laptops and bags of
laundry and trash. We've made the seat up in the back our home base.
That early in the morning the place is empty and the staff is usually
making coffee and mopping the floors, so we could really have the run
of the place. But by noon, the punters are in, and there's not a seat
left in the establishment. They only make basic food - sandwiches
(toasted!), and homemade soup and bread, but it's all delicious.
Clint set off today for parts unknown. Dermott O'Sullivan (the local
barman whose become a huge help to us here) took him in the car to a
small town a few kilometers over where he was able to get a bus to
Cork. He flies to London on Sunday, and ultimately has to get back to
Norway to either continue his job as a tree surgeon or pack his car
and leave, depending on how well his boss took to his six week
vacation. The only message he's received is that his boss was away in
Thailand for the strangest three weeks of his life, and it'd be good
to see him again. So that's that. We hugged him goodbye and thanked
him for his hard work enduring the rigors of ocean sailing (and the
rigors of being cooped up with Mia and I for six weeks - he joined us
in Lunenburg back on July 15, which seems like a lifetime ago by now).
Yesterday we got off our butts and managed to go for a small adventure
into the hillsides surrounding the harbor. There is a small castle a
few miles to the west of the town, up a steep ridge and overlooking
the ocean. We sailed past it on the way in, and the sight of it
enchanted us (me at least). At the time, it really felt like we'd
landed in a new place. There is only one road in Crookhaven (in the US
it would be considered one lane it's so narrow, but here there's white
stripes down the middle and the small cars can actually pass one
another, albeit with the utmost care). We followed it to the west, the
harbor on our right as we ascended the first hill. Only about a
quarter-mile along, we followed a path into a grassy meadow that
continued even steeper uphill, passing through several metal cow
fences. There were actually cows on the other side, but they paid us
no mind and allowed us to pass without trouble. A small stone church
with a sign reading 'St. Brendan the Navigator' outside was perched
below us, overlooking the long, narrow harbor.
We continued along a well-worn footpath that arched further upward and
made it's way along a steep ridge. The land sloped dramatically away
to our left, before the road cut it's path in the hillside, and then
continued on down to meet the ocean. On our right was a more gradual
drop over granite rocks, ancient stone walls and meadowland down to
the harbor. At the summit of this first ridge we were offered a
magnificent view of the harbor and the waterfront, and I cast a
nervous eye towards Arcturus to make sure she was still in the same
place on anchor (I did think to bring the handheld VHF just in case,
hoping someone in town would try to call us if the boat broke it's
anchor. As it turned out, we overhead a PAN PAN call, wen a 40-foot
sailing yacht lost her engine and went on the rocks at the entrance to
the harbor. The Mizen Head Coast Guard quickly responded, and a large
RIB from in town went out to assist. The three people on board were
picked up and they managed to tow the boat off the rocks and onto a
mooring, apparently without too much damage. The incident was over in
less than half an hour).
The ridge then quickly descended. We scaled an old stone wall,
carefully avoiding the barbed wire fence to keep the cows at bay. The
path seemed to disappear on the other side, and the hill sloped away
to the extent that we had to scramble our way down, sometimes on all
fours. The ground was rocky and covered in little prickly bushes, and
mine and Mia's choice of flipflops as footwear seemed less than ideal
at this point. We reached the road, where next to a small causeway,
where the ocean and the harbor were seperated by only a few hundred
yards of low-lying land we found a group of friends camping out in a
tent. We crossed the road and began another ascent up a gravel path,
wide enough for a small car. Mia was lagging behind picking and eating
blackberries the whole way. Clint criticized me for not waiting for
her - he assumed she was having a tough time of it because she'd hurt
her back the day before, and he laughed when he realized she was only
eating. The track was straight and steep, and quickly reached a far
greater height than the cow pasture we'd just come down from. To our
left was sheer cliff right on down to the ocean, the same bit of sea
we'd only just sailed ourselves a few days prior. At the top of the
hill a footpath branched off to the left, and the castle came into
view. Despite our altitude, the path was rutted and muddy thanks to
the rain (which has been here in bits every day). We made the castle
with only seconds to spare before the downpour started, and we
sheltered under the stone roof and drank from our two thermos' of
coffee. Off in the distant a naval warship passed to the south,
heading towards Fastnet, visible just before the horizon.
The return journey was uneventful, and we followed the road all the
way back into town. All three of us were far more tired than we'd
expected, and we're all but drained by the bottom of the big hill,
with still another kilometer to go back into Crookhaven. We cooked the
six fish that the three young boys sold to us in the pub the day
before - we'd left it in the fridge at the adjacent shop, and bought
some potatoes and an onion to go with it. It was delighful, and the
right price - 3 Euro for six nice mackerel, gutted and filleted by the
three ten-year-olds that sold it to us.
Landfall in Ireland
Clint and I are sat in William's apartment in Crookhaven, above the
restaurant for which he is the chef. He's Swedish. He's been living
and working in Crookhaven for the past two years (the owner of
O'Sullivan's pub is Swedish, and brought him over).
We met him through the older bartender at the pub just a while ago. It
was our first stop ashore after having walked down from the little
dock we tied the dinghy too. We chose a spot further from town, as the
wind was blowing out of the harbor and to have rowed upwind would have
been impossible. The stroll down the one-lane road into the small
village was absolutely delightful, lined with blackberries ripe for
the picking and surrounded by green hills and cow pastures, with a
backdrop of grey stone mountains behind. A castle was perched on the
hilltop in the distance, which we shall explore tomorrow.
The three of us enjoyed three rounds of fresh coffee (with real milk!)
and their homemade brown soda bread with butter and jam. William came
out having heard that one of us is Swedish, and offered the use of his
shower if the sailing club was closed up (which it was). We met Magda,
who I'm assuming is one of William's roommates, and another girl whose
name we didn't get. It looks like we've taken over their apartment,
out salty wet weather jackets strewn about, my flipflops drying on the
floor (they were incredibly moldy when I took them out of the hanging
locker), and our bags lying on the sofa.
Clint shaved his beard and looks like a child.
Mia and I are freshly showered, for the first time in 24 days, which
feels indescribably magnificent. The water was difficult to get the
correct temperature, and the pressure left much to be desired, and yet
it was one of the greatest showers of my life. The curtain was hung up
loosely with an old thick wire. It's not the nicest apartment, but
wonderfully comforting.
We're headed back to the pub now for our first Murphy's Irish Stout
and some lunch. There are two golf flags in the pub, from the '07 PGA
Championship and '08 Open Championship signed by Padraig Harrington,
who is good friends with one of O'Sullivans' regular customers.
Tomorrow we shall go exploring in the hills, looking for castles and
stretching our legs.
William the Swedish chef had a black t-shirt that said 'I (heart) Goats' on it.
The best part about our landfall was the smell. I'd forgotten about
that part, and it came upon us as we rounded Mizen Head and the wind
came blowing over the hilltops towards us. We were wafted with an
aroma of grass and trees, soils and woodburning stoves, moss and
rocks…earth. Nothing can quite stir the emotions like a strong scent,
and this one was mesmerizing. I couldn't get enough of it through my
nostrils, and kept gulping in quick short breaths, aware that soon
we'd become accustomed to it and it's magic would fade, but in the
moment we took as much as we could. Mia and Clint agreed, Clint even
having tears in his eyes and we started motoring up the narrow channel
into Crookhaven harbor just as the last light of day was fading. We
anchored between two rocky cliffs, opened a bottle of bubbles and
drank wine for the rest of the evening, not even bothering to change
out of our foulies. We're in Ireland.