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The start of a new year! As of February 15, Isbjorn is anchored in Antigua, getting ready for the Caribbean 600 Ocean Race. Next, we're headed south to Dominica & the Grenadines, then offshore for BVI & back to Dominica! In May, Isbjorn will start her first Atlantic crossing under our stewardship, sailing north to Bermuda, then east to the Azores, and north again to Scotland! We'll finish the season with a North Sea crossing to Sweden, a 600-mile jaunt to Stockholm, and one last passage in the Baltic. Isbjorn will spend the winter in Stockholm preparing for the Arctic in 2018! We've created photo galleries from each of our passages this year - check them out below!


2016 saw Isbjorn sail over 8,000 miles. She completed a few Caribbean passages, competed in the Caribbean 600 Ocean Race in Antigua, sailed 1,000 miles downwind from the BVI-Key West (via Havana!), returned to Annapolis for a minor refit and then headed north to Nova Scotia & Newfoundland! We returned south to Annapolis in August and started preparing for the passage south with the Caribbean 1500 Rally in November, which wrapped up our year for 2016. 


Mia & Andy got their first taste of ocean sailing on Isbjorn on the delivery south from Connecticut. Our first passages with crew was in July, when we sailed from Annapolis-Lunenburg, Nova Scotia & back again. Later that fall, Paul Exner & Andy's Dad, Dennis Schell, sailed Isbjorn south in the Caribbean 1500 rally! Andy & Mia finished out the year cruising the US & Spanish Virgin Islands. Check out the photo galleries from 2015 below!