Sojourner, 28th March 2014, 10.00 EST
I got a phone call from Andy this morning from the Sat Phone. The number start with 8816.. so it is easy to spot. Everyone who has been following the weather (or just looked outside the window the last couple of days) know it is not ideal conditions out there. Noting dangerous, but not as ideal as the 15kt from behind and blue sky like they had on their last passage up to the Bahamas.
They left yesterday morning so this phone call was about 24 hr out. Andy felt a bit seasick and had a patch on for the first time. He never had to hang over the side, but just could not finish making dinner in the galley. So it is a bit bumpy out there, but it sounds like they are having a good time.
When Andy called the were at the position 28° 51' N / 078° 25' W. You can see it better on the picture at the top of this post, basically off Orlando, but a bit further out.
The plan is to head into Jacksonville or somewhere along the coast,maybe go on the ICW for a bit and then head out again if the weather gets better.
I will update their position if I her from them again, so check back sometime tomorrow.
Mia, the shore team :)