ISBJORN Update November 15 // Ahoy Shipmates

Hi everyone,

Mia here. Since ISBJORN can’t send updates to the map, I will be updating the blog section a bit more often now, enjoy! If you know anyone on the boat, or just want to send them a message, write it in the comment section and I will forward it to them via the sat phone!


Ahoy Shipmates

1800 position report @ 29 32 N 59 39 W HDG 177 T

Crew almost fell over to the right after cracking off , everyone adjusting to the new reaching conditions while learning how to read and dodge squalls , ISBJORN is loving the conditions just about to sit down for crew dinner .

The weather is looking good for the stretch south after wed when that low passes north of us and the H fills in .

Crew say.... Ahoy there, with hungry tummies and smiles ear to ear .
