It was spinnaker sailing for the first day out from Newport. Once around Nantucket, we opted to route the boat outside around Georges Bank in the hopes of keeping the following breeze for longer. Fog would be in the mix regardless, as WRI warned in their briefing prior to departing Newport.
Offshore Medical Emergency: Dealing with Appendicitis 90 Miles Out
Andy gets appendicitis on Isbjorn's Leg 6, from Annapolis to Lunenburg. They were 90 miles south of Newport when the symptoms got bad enough to warrant a diversion. Here's the story of what happened onboard, how the surgery went, where the business stands and how Andy made it back onto the boat only 12 hours after entering the hospital. This will post as a podcast on Tuesday July 12.
Weather Forecast for Lunenburg Departure
The Leg 6 crew has arrived and we're about 18 hours from departure! It's thunderstorming in Annapolis right now, so it's nice to be at the dock, but the weather offshore looks like we'll get a mix of everything. Here's the latest from our partners at WRI, below.
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