Kari Finstad is a 30-something Norwegian sailor and yoga instructor. Kari recently purchased and refit a 32-foot Wauquiez Centurion - one of my favorite boats, and comparable to the legendary Contessa 32 - and spends most of her time above the Arctic Circle. We talked about her yoga travels to India & the east, her winter on BjornOya in the Arctic working at the meteorology station, refitting the Wauquiez, her cat companion, baking bread, making kombucha & much more.
Read more from Kari on her website yogini.no
Follow Karin on Instagram: @petronellafjord
Show Notes & Links
Topics Discussed in the Podcast
- Kari has a Wauquiez Centurion 32 and loves it
- Kari aspires to sail long distances in a simple boat
- Karis is currently in Norway living aboard
- Wauguiez Centurion 32 is often compared to Contessa 32 in the USA
- Kari’s Blog
- Kari is A Norwegian writer in English
- Kari has a background in filmmaking, media production, writing, and yoga
- Having supportive parents will help you follow your passions
- Mindfulness meditation brings you closer to what you want to do in life
- How to create your own happiness
- How living on the boat represents the ultimate freedom
- Any proper voyage should being on a foundation of financial unrest – Sterling Hayden
- Contessa 26 for crossing oceans
- Kari worked on Bear Island between at NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corp.). She was one of a rotating crew of 9 people BI
- Scandinavian weather philosophy “No such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes”
- She aspires to sail to French Polynesia
- Outfitting a simple boat
- AirHead composting toilet
- Kari has a Pipsqueak wood stove
- On demand hot water heater that runs on propane
- Yoga Instructor that was trained in
- Nepal and India training
- Nepal Earthquake, in need of tourism to stimulate the economy
- The idea of you’re home being portable and wherever there is water you can go
- Culturing Sourdough, how to maintain it, and use it regularly on a boat
- Tartine Experiment Blog
- Toby the SCOBY for making Kombucha
- Mindfulness mediation and how it helps travel
- Hi On Life Trekking Company that I cooperated with in Nepal
- Blue Flag eco-label
People and Books Mentioned in the Podcast
- Sterling Hayden’s Wanderer
- Chad Robertson from San Francisco and his book Tartine
- Moitessier's The Long Way on Goodreads
- Liz Clark's Blog
Read more from Kari on her website yogini.no
Follow Karin on Instagram: @petronellafjord
Relevant Quotes:
"The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first." – Jim Morrisson
"He manages to sum up my thoughts on going inside much better than I've done myself. "
- Kari Finstad
Kari at the helm in Northern Lat.