Nikki Henderson & Andy Schell hosts a panel of sailors at the 2022 Annapolis Sailboat Show to talk about the essence of seam'nship and what offshore sailing is all about, from technical issues to facing fear and philosophical ambitions. Panelists include Matt Rutherford, Ryan Ellison, Emma Garschagen, Phil Gutowski, Kristen Berry & Pam Wall.
You can catch the video recording of this panel on our YouTube channel at
Don't miss this year's Seam'nship Workshop at the 2023 Annapolis Sailboat Show in October. Register now at

Thanks to our long-time friends at Forbes for presenting this season of On the Wind! Learn more about Forbes at:
Thank you to our new presenting sponsor, Dive BLU3! Enjoy diving from your boat on your own terms with a BLU3 tankless dive system.