
#445: Nigel Calder // The Perfect Cruising Boat

#445: Nigel Calder // The Perfect Cruising Boat

Nigel Calder returns to the podcast to talk about selling his beloved Malö 46 Nada. Nigel is of course the foremost guru of yacht systems and is at heart and inventor and science buff. He and his wife Terry built their 'dream boat' some 16 years ago and are sad to part ways with her now. We talk about many of the custom design details he's integrated, the systems onboard that made her unique and how he's coming to terms with having to downsize.

#444: Skip Novak // Wisdom From 50 Years Afloat

#444: Skip Novak // Wisdom From 50 Years Afloat

Skip Novak returns to the podcast to talk about his new book Skip Novak On Sailing: Words of Wisdom from 50 Years Afloat. There's not much Skip hasn't done in his remarkable sailing career, including 4 Whitbread races, a 5th round-the-world race on a maxi catamaran, and of course pioneering expedition sailing in Tierra del Fuego, Cape Horn and Antarctica. I talked to Skip about his new book and in particular some of the more 'controversial' topics he writes about.

Pickup Skip's new book here.

#443: Lydia Mullan // Seamanship & the Sinking of Alliance

#443: Lydia Mullan // Seamanship & the Sinking of Alliance

Lydia Mullan is a sailor, journalist, and onboard reporter. She is the managing editor at Sail Magazine and was the social media manger behind Cole Brauer’s recent Global Solo Challenge campaign. She was aboard the vessel Alliance in this year’s Newport-Bermuda race when they struck an object and had to abandon ship in the Gulf Stream. In this episode, we talk about that accident and their subsequent rescue, as well as Lydia’s career as a sailing journalist.

#442: Pam Wall & Peter Grimm // A Lifetime of Memories

#442: Pam Wall & Peter Grimm // A Lifetime of Memories

Friend of the podcast Pam Wall & our own Laura Parent do an ON THE WIND takeover this week to interview sailmaker and America's Cup sailor Peter Grimm! On an impromptu afternoon in Pam's living room, stories started flying and Pam said 'get the mics!' and this entertaining and charming episode was born! Big shout out to Pam & Laura for literally running the show this week! Enjoy their conversation with Peter Grimm.

#441: Nikki Henderson // 59º North Offshore Racing

#441: Nikki Henderson // 59º North Offshore Racing

The RORC Caribbean 600 is one of the great offshore ocean races and in February we launched the 59º North offshore racing program with this as our debut event. The Whole Point? To try to open the door of offshore racing wider so that more people like you can get involved. In this episode Nikki has a chat with Alex to reminisce on trials and tribulations of the 2024 edition of the Caribbean 600.  

#440: Andy Schell // 10 Years of 59º North Sailing

#440: Andy Schell // 10 Years of 59º North Sailing

Andy Schell. We know him, we love him, he's the founder of this very podcast! And of course the co-founder of 59º North Sailing. In this episode, Emma turns the interview table around on Andy to ask him about this past decade of 59º North Sailing. A lot has changed from the early inspirations of starting the business to where Andy sits now, in Sweden, a parent of a 4-year old, and an employer to a whole staff at 59 North. Then again, not much has changed. Andy is still just as in love with sailing and even more inspired by this company as it grows and evolves.

#436: Emma Garschagen // From Apprentice to Entrepreneur

#436: Emma Garschagen // From Apprentice to Entrepreneur

Our own Emma Garschagen, co-host of ON THE WIND, former ICEBEAR & FALKEN First Mate and now entrepreneur joins me on todays show to talk about her evolution as a sailor since she joined 59º North. Emma started with us as an apprentice, took over as Chief First Mate for Mia when she was pregnant with Axel and has now gone on to start her own business, Sail Seabird, running coastal passages on her refit Navy 44 out of Portland, Maine.

#435: Matt Rutherford // Shootin' the Shit Onboard MARIE THARPE

#435: Matt Rutherford // Shootin' the Shit Onboard MARIE THARPE

Friend of the podcast and legendary sailor Matt Rutherford returns to the show to shoot the shit aboard his schooner MARIE THARPE. Matt hosted a small gathering of friends in Annapolis back in April aboard his boat, and we got warmed up by getting out the mics and mixing it up at the salon table down below on a rainy, chilly day. Matt was sipping tequila I think, and I had a beer and the conversation flowed, as it's wont to do with Matt, across a myriad of topics. Enjoy.