
Landfall in Sweden (Redux)

Landfall in Sweden (Redux)

In lieu of my recent arrival to Sweden today (I flew overnight from Newark-Oslo-Stockholm, and am going on one hour of sleep and four cups of strong Swedish coffee), I wanted to re-post this blog from two years ago when Arcturus made her first arrival in Sweden. It was an emotional moment for Mia and I (especially Mia), and it seems simultaneously like yesterday and ages ago.

Arcturus has spent all of last winter hauled out in Öregrund - we'll launch her next week, and get back to living aboard for the remainder of the summer here in Scandinavia. No plans yet on where we're headed, but stay tuned. I'll be writing about it. In the meantime, enjoy this revisited post...

Swedish for Idiots & ‘Parasailing’ in the Archipelago

Swedish for Idiots & ‘Parasailing’ in the Archipelago

I think it more or less appropriately describes our situation on Arcturus over the past week. This is the first time we’ve cruised the Stockholm archipelago (I don’t really count the time we brought the boat over from the west coast last year – that was more a delivery trip than anything, and we never saw the archipelago proper, rather sailed right on through it).